Tuesday 19 October 2010

Can can!


I am back! Had a few health worries and a busy time at work, but enough of that!

I had the excitement of going to the amazing 'knitting and stitching show' at Alexandra Palace last week. It was AWESOME!!! So many beautiful handmade things, heaps of inspiration and way too much i wanted to buy!
One thing that i could not resist buying was this amazing new can can wool from rico:

Once i had seen it being used, i had to have some. I bought some in green from the fair and then ordered some more when i got home from the lovely woolabaloo.

As you can hopefully see, the wool is like netting or a spiders web more than normal wool, so you have to knit in a slightly different way. The great thing is, it hides mistakes well, which is good for me!

The wool is really meant for making scarfs. It knits up really quickly, but i thought that wrist cuffs would work really well too:

I have been busy making more cuffs and scarfs as it is highly addictice!

As well as this little fella, the pattern for which i found over at sippity stitch.

The fabric is mostly from fabric rehab which is my absolute favourite online shop to buy fabric from.

Hope you are all having fab weeks,
